We offer you three systems to help you find the type of accommodation that best meets your needs: [Read all...]
We offer you three systems to help you find the type of accommodation that best meets your needs:
- The first enables you the hotel search engine, entering the desired characteristics (hotel class, duration of stay, number of persons, city or town). When you click on the search button a list of available accommodations meeting your search parameters will be displayed. Once you see the list, you can visit the hotel pages by clicking on its name, or by clicking on the booking button.
- The second consists of visiting hotel pages directly by selecting them from the list divided by class that is present in the portal. Click on the name and you will be sent to the hotel pages, where you will find descriptions, photos of the building and of the rooms. You can check for room availability and make your reservation from the booking menu.
- The third consists of choosing the hotel directly from the map (when present), clicking on it according to the most convenient location for your stay.